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Opening files

hictkR supports opening .hic and .cool files using the File() function.

When opening files in .hic format, resolution is a mandatory parameter.

path <- system.file("extdata", "interactions.hic", package="hictkR")
f <- File(path, resolution=100000)

hictkR file handles returned by File() provide several attributes storing static properties of the opened file

path <- f$path
resolution <- as.integer(f$resolution)

paste("File \"",
      "\" has the following resolution: ",

File “interactions.hic” has the following resolution: 100000 bp

Accessing chromosomes and bins

Some of these properties store the list of chromosomes as well as the bin table associated with the opened file.

chroms <- f$chromosomes
bins <- f$bins
normalizations <- f$normalizations
name chr2L chr2R chr3L chr3R chr4 chrX chrY chrM
size 23513712 25286936 28110227 32079331 1348131 23542271 3667352 19524
Bin table
chrom chr2L chr2L chr2L chr2L chr2L chr2L
start 0 1e+05 2e+05 3e+05 4e+05 5e+05
end 1e+05 2e+05 3e+05 4e+05 5e+05 6e+05

Fetching interactions

hictkR support fetching interactions through the fetch() function.

Fetch genome-wide interactions with genomic coordinates

fetch(f, join=TRUE)
chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 count
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 0 100000 101360
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 100000 200000 29915
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 200000 300000 4996
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 300000 400000 2252
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 400000 500000 3705
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 500000 600000 2446

Interactions can also be normalized using one of the available normalization methods (see f$normalizations).

fetch(f, join=TRUE, normalization="ICE")
chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 count
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 0 100000 0.6915117
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 100000 200000 0.1748966
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 200000 300000 0.0373811
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 300000 400000 0.0238225
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 400000 500000 0.0194293
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 500000 600000 0.0158976

Fetch interactions for a region of interest

hictkR can be instructed to fetch interactions for a region of interest.

This is much more efficient than fetching genome-wide interactions and then filtering interactions using R.

fetch(f, "chr2L", join=TRUE)
chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 count
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 0 100000 101360
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 100000 200000 29915
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 200000 300000 4996
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 300000 400000 2252
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 400000 500000 3705
chr2L 0 100000 chr2L 500000 600000 2446
chrom1 start1 end1 chrom2 start2 end2 count
chr2L 0 100000 chr3R 10000000 10100000 55
chr2L 0 100000 chr3R 10100000 10200000 52
chr2L 0 100000 chr3R 10200000 10300000 26
chr2L 0 100000 chr3R 10300000 10400000 31
chr2L 0 100000 chr3R 10400000 10500000 22
chr2L 0 100000 chr3R 10500000 10600000 22

Fetch interactions as a dense matrix

hictkR can return interactions as a Matrix when specifying type="dense".

#>       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#>  [1,]   11    4    9    7   10    1   15    3    5    29
#>  [2,]   11   10   15    4   14    7    5    2   12    44
#>  [3,]    6    5   11    8   12    8    6    3   12    30
#>  [4,]    6    2    8    3    5    7    1    2    7    15
#>  [5,]    9    9   12   11   18   12    9    2   11    46
#>  [6,]   17    7   13    4   16    8    1    4    9    64
#>  [7,]    2    2    4    4    5    5    5    0    8    20
#>  [8,]    3    6   11    4   11    7    3    1    9    19
#>  [9,]   17    6    7    4   11    9    3    1   14    76
#> [10,]    0    2    9    2    7    2    4    1    3     7

This can be very useful to visualize interaction matrices as heatmaps.

m <- fetch(f, "chr3R:0-20,000,000", normalization="ICE", type="dense")
image(log(m), axes=FALSE)